
Showing posts from 2019

RA Sucks!

What is Direct Primary Care and Who Benefits?

NaNoWriMo 2019!

Botox for TMJ: A Zebra's Perspective

Celebrating One Year No Contact With My Abuser

The Cognitive Dissonance I Experience as a Disabled Athlete

Running A Business With An Unpredictable Illness

My Tablet Is My New Favorite Tool To Mitigate The Challenges Of My Disability

Surviving Factitious Disorder Imposed on Another: What is it and How Do We Cope?

Accepting a life of chronic illness, limitations, & pain.

Easy Strawberry Soup Recipe- Gastroparesis Friendly, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free, Egg-Free, & Vegan.

Guilty! The Shame I Experience While Living With an Illness and Having Fun

5 Ways I Feel Pretty With A Chronic Illness

Finding Fulfillment After My Diagnosis

What Are Some Unique Challenges LGBT+ Spoonies Face?